Student Parking
Student Parking Requirements
Application (available from the table outside the counselor's office or download below)
Valid Driver's License (not a learner's permit)
$40 cash or check only
*Students must be cleared of any obligations in the library prior to parking permit purchase.
Student Parking Rules
Students are required to register their vehicles with the school to be allowed to park and operate the vehicles on school property. Only students with a valid driver’s license and proof of liability insurance required by Texas law will be issued a permit. A fee of $40.00 will be charged for this parking privilege, and will be prorated after first semester to $20.00 for the remainder of the school year. A parking hanger will be issued which must be displayed at all times while the vehicle is on school property. Vehicles which are not registered and cannot be identified, or are parked outside the designated area, may be towed from school property at the owner’s expense.
Vehicles parked on school property are under the jurisdiction of the school. The school reserves the right to search the vehicle. Searches of vehicles may be conducted at any time there is reasonable cause to do so, with the presence of the driver. The driver will be held responsible for any prohibited objects or substances such as alcohol, drugs, or weapons that are found in the vehicle. Students will be subject to disciplinary action for violations as well as referral for criminal prosecution when warranted. The driver has full responsibility for the security of the vehicle and will make certain it is locked and that the keys are not given to other students.
While on school grounds, vehicles will be driven in a manner which preserves the safety of the driver, passengers, pedestrians, and property. Violation of established rules may result in citations as well as the loss of driving and parking privileges on school property.
Students driving vehicles on school property must observe the following rules:
- The issued permit must be hung on the rear view mirror with parking space number facing out.
- Abide by the posted speed limits.
- Students may only park in their designated parking space. Students will not park in red fire lanes, faculty spaces, marked visitor slots, in the bus loading area, or handicapped spaces.
- Students are to vacate their vehicles immediately after arriving on campus.
- Students may return to vehicles only with permission or at the end of the school day.
- Obey the state law for school buses; do not pass when a bus is parked with red lights blinking.
- Driving offenses to include unsafe or reckless driving (e.g., spinning tires, exceeding safe speed) may result in suspension or revocation of driving privileges for up to the remainder of the school year depending on the severity of the offense.
- Students may not share their parking passes with another student or you may lose your driving privileges.
- Vehicles must be insured in order to park on GISD property, and must show proof of insurance to school staff when any changes to automobile insurance occur, which includes providing proof of insurance when insurance card on file expires.
- If the vehicle description, license plate number, or insurance changes, the student MUST update information as changes occur.
- If student withdraws from school, they forfeit their assigned parking spot. Upon re-enrollment during the same year, a different parking spot may be assigned.
- Lost permits will require purchase of replacement hanger at $5.00 each.
Student Parking Application
August 7, 2024 | 9AM-Noon
August 8, 2024 | 1PM-4PM
Placecard pickup (for students who purchased during spring presale)
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