Course Catalog » Certifications


CTE Certifications Offered by Exam

  • Adobe Certified Professional, Various Software
  • ASE Entry, Level Certification
  • AWS Certified Welder
  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Certified SolidWorks Associate
  • Certified Veterinary Assistant
  • Educational Aide 1
  • EKG/ECG Technician
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • QuickBooks Certified User
  • Remote Drone Pilot
  • ServSafe Manager
  • Student Social Media Marketing
  • TSFA Floral Skills Certification

GEF Cord Recognition

Granbury ISD Education Foundation is proud to begin a new recognition program for Granbury High School graduating seniors beginning with the Class of 2023, honoring the achievement of career and technical education (CTE) students.

Students who achieved any of the available career and technical certifications during their high school career will earn a cord to wear at the graduation ceremony.  The green and white cords worn by students will symbolize the passing of any of the CTE certification exams listed above.

As part of the recognition program, the Foundation will invite parents to a reception honoring the cord recipients immediately following graduation rehearsal in the Granbury High School cafeteria.

More information about GEF is available at

Granbury High School Graduation information is located at