Graduation » Senior Road Signs - TXDOT Information

Senior Road Signs - TXDOT Information

Senior Road Sign Requirements from TXDOT

Dear Graduating Seniors and Parents:


The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) would like to congratulate the Granbury High School Graduating Senior Class of 2024 for their hard work and accomplishments of graduating high school and wish you well in your future endeavors. In the past years, it has been a tradition for congratulation signs to be placed along the roadways. We understand the pride that friends and family members wish to share about this important milestone in your lives, however, we have had some problems in the past and we are asking for your cooperation in following the guidelines listed below so that this tradition can carry on.


These guidelines are necessary to ensure that the roadways continue to be safe not only for your family and friends traveling to the Graduation Ceremony, but also for all of the traveling public. The requirements for these signs are as follows.


  • Signs shall be no more than 3 'x 3' in size and the sign supports shall be wood with a maximum size of 2" x 2"
  • Signs shall be constructed from cardboard, corrugated plastic or ¼" plywood. Metal signs and/or supports shall not be used.
  • The location of these signs shall be placed on the right side of the roadway only and at least 20' from the edge of the pavement no higher than 4' from ground level.
  • Signs are not allowed to be placed at any intersections, driveways, medians or attached to any highway sign or delineation devices
  • Signs shall not be placed any earlier than the day of the graduation ceremony.


TXDOT would also appreciate your assistance in removing your sign from the roadway by 12:00 p.m. the day after graduation. TXDOT will immediately remove any sign that does not meet the above guidelines or for any safety issues concerning the safety of the traveling public.


If you have any questions concerning these guidelines, please contact the local TXDOT office at (254) 897-2647.



Mike Millsap

Crew Chief Hood / Somervell

[email protected]

5721 N. SH 144 Granbury, Texas 76048