Lady Pirate Golf » Golf Contract for Incoming Freshmen

Golf Contract for Incoming Freshmen

Texas Pirate HeadGolf Contract for Incoming Freshmen


The Granbury golf coaches would like to thank everyone involved in supporting our programs and helping to keep them competitive.  The following requirements and standards need to be presented to incoming Freshmen so they, along with their parents, will know what is expected.  First of all, the game of golf at the high school level is a competitive sport and not a beginner golf class.  As with any athletic program, golf is very demanding on your time.  You will be expected to stay late in the evenings until practice is over,  miss school for tournaments, practice on your own on weekends or whenever available, and work hard at your game during the summer to maintain that competitive edge.  These requirements must be met before enrolling into the golf program.

1)      Must have your own clubs.  (we do not supply clubs)

2)      Must have played for at least two or more years, or had lessons from a golf professional that we will contact.

3)      Must know basic terminology and rules of the game.

4)      Must be able to maintain a passing grade in all classes. (No Pass No Play)

5)      Must have a positive outlook about life and golf. (Negative attitudes will not make it on the course)

6)      Must have a good attitude on the golf course.  (Club throwing, foul language, or bad behavior will not be tolerated)

7)      Cuts from the program do occur and may occur any time during the season.

8)      Finally, you must sign this contract verifying you have met all the requirements and agree with all the conditions stated.


Thanks for your understanding and support in our program.  Feel free to contact any of us with questions.


Coach Becky Addison                      

Coach Atyka Ditto

I (parent)_______________________________and (student) ________________________________ have read and agree to comply with all requirements and conditions stated in this contract.  We acknowledge having all the necessary equipment and training required to enter the high school golf program.