Lady Pirate Golf » Player Expectations

Player Expectations

Texas Pirate HeadPlayer Expectations


  1. All players are expected to attend practice in proper attire and be ready to begin by 3:45/4:00.  All players must come to practice with proper shoes (NO sandals, toms, converse, or sperry's are allowed on the range or during play) and clothing (collared shirts and appropriate length shorts and skorts).  NO jeans are allowed period at Harbor Lakes, NO jeans filled with holes allowed on any course, and NO gym/running shorts. Anyone coming to practice inappropriately dressed will not be allowed on the course or range. Leggings, yoga pants, or tights are allowed with prior approval by coaches. 
  1. All players are issued clothing and golf bags.  Each player is responsible for the upkeep of these items while in their possession.  Should a player lose or damage any of the school issued items, they are responsible for the cost to replace damaged or lost items.  No school issued clothing is to be worn at school or practice, with the exception of the Gore -Tex suits.  These may be worn to practices when the weather is below normal temperatures or there is moisture in the air. 
  1. If a player must miss practice due to a doctor's appointment or lessons, the coach must be notified a week in advance. 
  1. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are mandatory practice days. Wednesday's have been set aside for the range or additional lessons. We do have practice everyday.  If players are working with a teacher, please make every attempt to schedule your lesson on Wednesday or the weekends.  Also, if you have doctors appointments please use Wednesday's if  possible. 
  1. Players will qualify for Varsity and JV tournaments.  The top 4 qualifying scores and a coach's pick will go to all varsity tournaments.  Anyone averaging 170 or below in a varsity tournament will automatically be qualified for the next tournament.  If the tournament is only one day you must shoot below 85 to qualify automatically. 
  1. If a player misses a qualifying day they will not have the opportunity to drop their lowest score of the qualifying period.  NO CELL PHONES are allowed during practice.  Keep your phone turned off and out of sight.  If you are caught using your phone during practice you will be giving a first warning.  A second offense will result in you being disqualified from your round (same rules as in district, regional, and state tournaments) and losing a qualifying score. 
  1. Weather can change the best laid plans for practice, so be prepared, occasionally, to improvise on short notice.  
  1. The most important expectation is student performance in the classroom.  Players must maintain a grade of 70 or better in all classes (including dual credit, AP, and honors courses) to be eligible for competition.