Secondary students who will participate in Granbury ISD athletic programs during the 2025-26 school year will have an opportunity to get their mandatory physical examinations during sessions sponsored by Lake Granbury Medical Center and Lakeside Physicians.
The cost for the exam is FREE, thanks to Lake Granbury Medical Center. Secondary students can get physicals at any of the three locations listed below during the school day:
- Granbury High School: Thursday, May 1
- Granbury Middle School: Thursday, May 8
- Acton Middle School: Thursday, May 15
Athletic physicals are required by the University Interscholastic League (UIL) and GISD and must be completed before a student can participate in any practices or games or serve as a manager or student athletic trainer.
This event is not mandatory, and all parents and students have the option of completing this requirement at the medical provider of their own choice – a physician, a physician assistant licensed by the State Board of Physician Assistant Examiners, a registered nurse as an advanced practice nurse by the Board of Nurse Examiners, or a Doctor of Chiropractic.
Athletic physical packets must be completed by the parent or guardian prior to the examination. You may scan and e-mail your form to Tiffany Rodrigues or Dillon Bagwell at [email protected] or turn it into any coach during summer workouts when they resume. If your child does not have a valid physical on file by August 1, 2025 they will not be able to participate in any after school workouts until it is submitted to the athletic trainers at Granbury High School.
Forms will be distributed to students already enrolled in the athletic program, but are also available at Granbury High School, Acton Middle School, Granbury Middle School, both training rooms at the high school, and the GISD athletic office.
The forms are also for download at:
- Go to
- Click “Proceed to online forms.”
- Parents can choose to create an accountor “Continue as Guest.”
If parents choose to make an account, they will get schedule change updates for their kids sports and be able to regularly check eligibility for each sport each season.
- The initial page after making an account or continuing as guest will be the forms page including “Medical History,” “Emergency Information,” etc links.
- Each form under that tab needs to be completely filled out and signed electronically for your student to be eligible to participate in sports at GISD.
- Emergency Information Page
- Medical History
- UIL Forms Signature Page
- Drug Testing Release Form
- After it is all complete, you should be done. If you have any questions or want confirmation and did not sign up for an account, email [email protected]and Coach Rodrigues can let you know if it is completed.
- Hard Copies of the physical and Medical History form may be downloaded at this link:
Steps 1-7 are required before the 1st day of practice if your child wishes to participate in Granbury ISD Athletics.